“A study on incident report document style for grasping latent factors threatening medical safety”
○Tatsuya Fukuda (Keio University), Keita Takeyama (Keio University), Yusaku Okada (Keio University)
“An improvement of staffs’ motivation/ satisfaction on safety activities in operation control center of railroad”
○Ryo Nihongi (Keio University), Yusaku Okada (Keio University)
“A proposal of a method to reinforcement employees’ motivation on reporting near-miss incident cases in railroad”
○Naori Tsuji (Keio University), Yusaku Okada (Keio University)“Balance between abstract principles and concrete instances in knowledge communication”
○Toshiya Akasaka (Keio University), Yusaku Okada (Keio University)“Prescribing knowledge for making arrangements regarding human factors in management of change: Toward incorporating human factors considerations into system design process model”
○Toshiya Akasaka (Keio University), Yusaku Okada (Keio University)
“A method to plan human error prevention strategy by analyzing PSF tendency – Case study of a pharmacy factory and a medical center”
○Masanao Ishihara (Keio University), Kasumi Nishimura (Keio University), Yusaku Okada (Keio University)
“Pragmatic measures to vitalize railroad-station-service employees’ activities that can reinforce customers’ safety and comfort”
○Naori Tsuj (Keio University)i, Ryoko Ikeda (Keio University), Yusaku Okada (Keio University)
“An improvement of staffs’ motivation/satisfaction for safety activities in a railroad operation department”
○Ryo Nihongi (Keio University), Yusaku Okada (Keio University)
“A design proposal of confirmation/check task to ensure workers' active will”
○Ryoko Ikeda (Keio University), Naori Tsuji (Keio University), Toshiya Akasaka (Keio University), Yusaku Okada (Keio University)
“Enhancement of workers’ capability to analyze the latent factors in troubles”
○Takumi Maeda (Keio University), Toshiya Akasaka (Keio University), Yusaku Okada (Keio University)
“A study on document style of medical safety incident report for latent factors extraction and risk-assessment-based decision making”
○Shozo Tanuma (Keio University), Toshiya Akasaka (Keio University), Yusaku Okada (Keio University)潜在的リスクに対する気付き支援ツールの施策 –ヒヤリハット情報の活用を例として-
安全意識調査をもとにしたステーションサービスを活性化させる研究 –ある都市交通におけるケーススタディ-