Nobuo MATSUBAYASHI             Japanese

   Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
Faculty of Science and Technology,
Keio University



Doctor of Engineering, Keio University, 2004

Master of Engineering, Keio University, 1996

Bachelor of Engineering, Keio University, 1994




Professor, Keio University, 2015-

Associate Professor, Keio University, 2011-2015

Assistant Professor, Keio University, 2006-2011

Research Associate, Tokyo University of Science, 2004-2006  

NTT Communications Corporation, 1999-2004

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, 1996-1999


 Research Interests                   

Applied Game Theory, Business Economics, Management Science



Nire, K. and Matsubayashi, N.: Entry Decisions for Vertically Differentiated Markets with Brand Spillovers, European Journal of Operational Research 314-2 (2024) 565-578.

Matsuhisa, H. and Matsubayashi, N.: Alliance Formation Between a Platform Retailer and Competing Manufacturers in Sharing Consumer Data for Product Development, International Journal of Production Economics 267 (2024) 109090.

Negoro, K. and Matsubayashi, N.: Game-Theoretic Analysis of Partner Selection Strategies for Market Entry in Global Supply Chains, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 151 (2021) 102362.

Sogo, K. and Matsubayashi, N.: Dynamic Production and Pricing Decisions in the Presence of the Snob Effect, International Transactions in Operational Research 28-6 (2021) 3330-3363.

Yoshihara, R. and Matsubayashi, N.: Channel Coordination Between Manufacturers and Competing Retailers with Fairness Concerns, European Journal of Operational Research 290-2 (2021) 546-555.

Kishihara, H. and Matsubayashi, N.: Product Repositioning in a Horizontally Differentiated Market, Review of Industrial Organization 57-3 (2020) 701-718.

Kobayashi, H. and Matsubayashi, N.: The Strategic Effect of Retailers' In-store Advertising Services Under Product Variety Competition, Managerial and Decision Economics 40-3 (2019) 232-242.

Takeda, K., Hosoe, T., Watanabe, T. and Matsubayashi, N.: Stability Analysis of Horizontal Mergers in a Market with Asymmetric Substitutability, Mathematical Social Sciences 96 (2018) 73-84.

Saito, R. and Matsubayashi, N.: Sequential Product Positioning in the Presence of an Asymmetric Network Externality Intensity, Managerial and Decision Economics 39-3 (2018) 320-334.

Kurokawa, S. and Matsubayashi, N.: Price and Quality Competition with Quality Positions, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 27-1 (2018) 71-81.

Hara, R. and Matsubayashi, N.: Premium Store Brand: Product Development Collaboration Between Retailers and National Brand Manufacturers, International Journal of Production Economics 185 (2017) 128-138.

Hashimoto, K. and Matsubayashi, N.: A Note on Dynamic Monopoly Pricing Under Consumption Externalities, Economics Letters 124-1 (2014) 1-8.

Shindo, S. and Matsubayashi, N.: Horizontally Differentiated Store Brands: Production Outsourcing to National Brand Manufacturers, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014 (2014) Article ID 949470, 14 pages.

Kumoi, Y. and Matsubayashi, N.: Vertical Integration with Endogenous Contract Leadership: Stability and Fair Profit Allocation, European Journal of Operational Research 238-1 (2014) 221-232.

Watanabe, T. and Matsubayashi, N.: Note on Stable Mergers in a Market with Asymmetric Substitutability, Economics Bulletin 33-3 (2013) 2024-2033.

Takaki, M. and Matsubayashi, N.: Sequential Multi-Store Location in a Duopoly, Regional Science and Urban Economics 43-3 (2013) 491-506.

Takagoshi, N. and Matsubayashi, N.: Customization Competition Between Branded Firms: Continuous Extension of Product Line from Core Product, European Journal of Operational Research 225-2 (2013) 337-352.

Matsubayashi, N. and Yano, M.: Vertical Collaboration Network: Stability and Efficiency, in Robert W. Karlsen and Michael A. Pettyfer (eds.), Monopolies: Theory, Effectiveness and Regulation Nova Science Publishers (2011) 101-131.

Tojo, R. and Matsubayashi, N.: Competition Between Online and Physical Stores: The Implications of Providing Product Information by Pure-play E-tailer, Managerial and Decision Economics 32-5 (2011) 281-292.

Iida, T. and Matsubayashi, N.: Strategic Multi-Store Opening Under Financial Constraint, European Journal of Operational Research 210-2 (2011) 379-389.

Matsubayashi, N. and Hashimoto, T.: Horizontal Merger of Differentiated Firms with Product Consolidation: The Effect of Change in Substitutability, Economics Bulletin 30-1 (2010) 94-102.

Matsubayashi, N., Ishii, Y., Watanabe, K. and Yamada, Y.: Full-Line or Specialization Strategy? The Negative Effect of Product Variety on Product Line Strategy, European Journal of Operational Research 196-2 (2009) 795-807.

Matsubayashi, N.: Product Line Competition and ICT Investments, in Ingrid N. Haugen and Anna S. Nilsen (eds.), Game Theory: Strategies, Equilibria, and Theorems, Nova Science Publishers (2009) 217-229.

Matsubayashi, N.: Product Design Rivalry: Multiple-Attributes Approach to Differentiation, Managerial and Decision Economics 29 (2008) 555-563.

Matsubayashi, N. and Yamada, Y.: A Note on Price and Quality Competition Between Asymmetric Firms, European Journal of Operational Research 187-2 (2008) 571-581.

Matsubayashi, N.: Price and Quality Competition: The Effect of Differentiation and Vertical Integration, European Journal of Operational Research 180-2 (2007) 907-921.

Matsubayashi, N. and Yamakawa, S.: A Note on Network Formation with Decay, Economics Letters 93-3 (2006) 387-392 (previously entitled ``A Network Formation Game with an Endogenous Cost Allocation Rule).

Matsubayashi, N., Umezawa, M., Masuda, Y. and Nishino, H.: A Cost Allocation Problem Arising in Hub-Spoke Network Systems, European Journal of Operational Research 160-3 (2005) 821-838.

Matsubayashi, N., Umezawa, M., Masuda, Y. and Nishino, H.: Evaluating All Bertrand-Nash Equilibria in a Discrete Spatial Duopoly Model, Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 47-1 (2004) 25-37.

Matsubayashi, N., Umezawa, M., Masuda, Y. and Nishino, H.: Merger Effect of Two Firms Under Network Equilibrium, European Journal of Operational Research 137-2 (2002) 434-447.

Matsubayashi, N. and Nishino, H.: An Application of Lemke's Method to a Class of Markov Decision Problems, European Journal of Operational Research 116-3 (1999) 584-590.

Working Papers.

Takeda, M. and Matsubayashi, N. (2024), submitted.


Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, April, 2022 March, 2025.

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, April, 2019 March, 2022.

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, April, 2015 March, 2018.

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, April, 2012 March, 2015.

Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, April, 2009 March, 2012.

Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, April, 2006 March, 2009.

Professional Activities                   


     The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), The Operations Research Society of Japan, Japanese Economic Association, Japanese Industrial Management Association, Japan Society for Management Information, Japanese Operations Management and Strategy Association

Associate Editor

   Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, May, 2012 April, 2018, and May, 2023

   Journal of Japanese Operations Management and Strategy, May, 2012 -

Referee for  

Annals of Operations Research, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Applied Soft Computing, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Economics Bulletin, Economic Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, IISE Transactions, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, Information Economics and Policy, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Systems Science, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, Management Science, Managerial and Decision Economics, Metroeconomica, Networks, Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, OR Spectrum, RAIRO - Operations Research, Review of Industrial Organization, Social Choice and Welfare, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, IPSJ Journal, Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, Journal of Japanese Operations Management and Strategy, Journal of the Society of Plant Engineers Japan, Keizai-Ronsyu (Kumamoto-Gakuen University), Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers

Contact Information: 

Postal Address:

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology,
Keio University, 
Hiyoshi 3-14-1 Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, 223-8522, Japan
