- An Experimental Study of Psychological Effects of Vision Loss for the Practical Application to Windowless Cockpits: Y. MEKATA, N. HASHIMOTO, M. NAKANISHI, 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Copenhagen, Denmark. (2023).
- Analysis of Human Factors and Resilience Competences in ASRS data Using Natural Language Processing: M. ONO, M. NAKANISHI, 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Copenhagen, Denmark. (2023).
- Construction of models for predicting arousal level in advance based on features of face images: Y. MEKATA, M. NAKANISHI, 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2022 in Sheraton New York Times Square, USA. (Virtual Conference) (2022).
- Extraction and Extended Analysis of Good Jobs from Safety Reports Using Text Mining -Focusing on Voluntary Information Contributory to Enhancement of the Safety (VOICES) Data-: T. TAKAGI, A. OSAWA, M. NAKANISHI, 23rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Washington D.C., USA. (Virtual Conference) (2021).
- Research on Conveying User Experiences Through Digital Advertisement: S. SUCIADI, M. NAKANISHI, 23rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Washington D.C., USA. (Virtual Conference) (2021).
- Estimation of Pilot’s Workload in Flight Using External Fluctuation Factors: An Experimental Approach Using a Flight Simulator: Y. MEKATA, K. SHIINA, A. OSAWA, M. NAKANISHI, 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association in Vancouver, Canada. (Virtual Conference) (2021).
- The Study of Workload through an Experiment in a Simulated Intensive Care Unit: Y. KIDO, M. NAKANISHI, 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association in Vancouver, Canada. (Virtual Conference) (2021).
- Analysis of Human Efficiency-Thoroughness Trade-Off Decisions in Approach Control: T. TAKAGI, M. NAKANISHI, 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association in Vancouver, Canada. (Virtual Conference) (2021).
- Efficiency-Thoroughness Trade-Off Characteristics of Air Traffic Controllers During Tower Operations: T. TAKAGI, M. NAKANISHI, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) 64th International Annual Meeting in Chicago, USA. (Virtual Conference) (2020).
- Optimization of the Method of Maintaining Arousal Level by Inducing Intrinsic Motivation: Using Presentation of Information in Autonomous Driving: Y. MEKATA, S. TAKEUCHI, T. YAMAMOTO, N. KAMIYA, T. SUZUKI, M. NAKANISHI, 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Copenhagen, Denmark. (Virtual Conference)(2020).
- Consideration of How Different Rearview Presentations Used for Electronic Mirrors on Automobiles Affect Human Spatial Cognition: Y. KIDO, S. KANZAKI, T. OHTSUBO, Y. MATSUBA, D. SUGAWARA and M. NAKANISHI, 22nd International Conference on Human-computer Interaction in Copenhagen, Denmark. (Virtual Conference) (2020).
- Comparison of rearview options for drivers using a virtual 3-D simulation: S. KANZAKI, T. OHTSUBO, S. NAKAMURA, Y. MATSUBA, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings 20th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association in Florence, Italy, Vol.827, 169-179, (2018).
- Effects of differences in vision upon drivers’ spatial cognition: Focus on the subjective and objective viewpoints: K. TERANISHI, T. OHTSUBO, S. NAKAMURA, Y. MATSUBA, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings 20th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association in Florence, Italy, Vol.827, 159-168, (2018).
- In What Conditions Do People Adopt “Resilient” Behavior for Safety?: Experimental Study for Safety – II: N. KUBO, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings 20th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association in Florence, Italy, Vol.819, 509-516,(2018).
- Proposal and Verification of a Method for Maintaining Arousal by Inducing Intrinsic Motivation: Aiming at Application to Driving of Automobiles: Y. MEKATA, S. TAKEUCHI, T. YAMAMOTO, N. KAMIYA, T. SUZUKI, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings 20th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association in Florence, Italy, Vol.819, 274-284,(2018).
- Information Design for Purposeless Information Searching Based on Optimum Stimulation Level Theory: Miwa Nakanishi, Motoya Takahashi, HIMI2018:Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information in Applications and Services,132-143(2018).
- Estimating user’s intention and emotion by analyzing operation log data of IoT appliances: Atsushi Uenoyama, Masahiko Sakata, Miwa Nakanishi, Proceedings of the 8TH International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in Los Angeles, USA, Vol.607, 314-326(2017).
- Screen design of portable terminal to promote users’ motivation to use the system: Suguru Ito, Masahiko Sakata, Miwa Nakanishi, Proceedings of the 8TH International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in Los Angeles, USA, Vol.588, 905-915(2017).
- Voice guidance design guideline for home appliances from viewpoints of design consistency: Sawaya Harigaya, Miwa Nakanishi, Proceedings of the 8TH International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in Los Angeles, USA, Vol.607, 371-383(2017).
- Application Development for Gathering “Inexperienced UX” Data for Planning Next-Generation Products.:T. MORI, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 7TH International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in Florida, USA, Vol.486, 15-25, (2016).
- Stimulation of voluntary motivation toward safety management activities:activity inactivation by mannerism: K. KATAYAMA, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 7TH International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in Florida, USA, Vol.487, 307-316, (2016).
- Physiological Responses Related to Visual Impressions of a Product: Evaluating Automobile Interior Design.: H. MUTO, T. YAMAMOTO, N. KAMIYA, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 7TH International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in Florida, USA, Vol.486, 621-633, (2016).
- Relationship between the complexity of system functions and amount of displayed information on a mobile device with touch display.:S. Ito, M. SAKATA, M. KOGA, D. IIZAWA, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 7TH International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in Florida, USA, Vol.486, 209-220, (2016).
- A method to evaluate consumer desire for continued product usage: Incorporation of the method in the auto-mobile design process.: T. YURA, T. YAMAMOTO, N. KAMIYA, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 7TH International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in Florida, USA, Vol.486, 635-649, (2016).
- Design Requirements to Reduce Discomfort in Window Viewing: Study on Increasing Degrees of Freedom of Car-Body Shape.: K.FUJITA, M.NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 7TH International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in Florida, USA, Vol.486, 651-662, (2016).
- Emergent Application on Smart Phone for Deaf, Language Dysfunction and Foreigners,: UE, M. NAKANISHI, Y. TOMITA, Proceedings of the Advanced Assistive Technology and eAccesibility for People with Disabilities (AAATE 2015) in Butapest, Hungary, on CD-ROM, (2015)
- Quantifying user experiences for integration into a home appliance design process: a case study of canister and robotic vacuum cleaner user experiences,: A.MIYAHARA, K. SAWADA, Y. YAMAZAKI, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association in Melbourne, Australia, (2015)
- Form of anticipated information that supports resilient operations in Safety II Systems,: K. YAO, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association in Melbourne, Australia, (2015)
- Optimization of information presentation position in a spectacle-type device considering subject awareness and minimizing discomfort to alerts presented,: D. YOKOYAMA, T. UCHIYAMA, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association in Melbourne, Australia, (2015)
- Urgent Mobile Tool for Hearing Impaired, Language Dysfunction and Foreigners at Emergency Situation,: N. HOSONO, H. INOUE, M. NAKANISHI, Y. TOMITA, Proceedings of the Mobile-HCI2014 / ACM in Toronto, Canada, on CD-ROM,(2014)
- Urgent Communication Method for Deaf, Language Dysfunction and Foreigners,: N. HOSONO, H. INOUE, M. NAKANISHI, Y. TOMITA, Proceedings of the International conference on Computers helping people with special needs(ICCHP 2014) in Paris, France, on CD-ROM, (2014)
- A Product Design Process to Evaluate Users’ Intrinsic Satisfaction ?Designing Center Consoles in Cars,: S. MURAJI, T. YAMAMOTO, M. KURIHARA, T. SUZUKI, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 5TH International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in Krakow, Poland, on CD-ROM., (2014)
- Does Spectacle-Type Wearable Display Improve Efficiency and Safety?:An Experimental Evaluation of Practical Use,: T. UCHIYAMA, D. YOKOYAMA, Y. FUKUDA, M. YAGI, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 5TH International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in Krakow, Poland, on CD-ROM., (2014)
- Analysis of a Spectacle-Type Device for Rapid Visual Referencing,: D. YOKOYAMA, T. UCHIYAMA, Y. FUKUDA, M. YAGI, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 5TH International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in Krakow, Poland, on CD-ROM., (2014)
- Elucidation of the Mechanism Forming Attachment for Products and Services: Physiopsychologically Evaluating the Emotion of Attachment,: M. WATANABE, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 1st Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design (ACED 2014) in Jeju, Korea, on CD-ROM, (2014)
- An estimate the particular preference from behavioral characteristics: the case of repertoires of songs at karaoke,: M. ISHIDA, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 1st Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design (ACED 2014) in Jeju, Korea, on CD-ROM, (2014)
- Emergency Communication Tool for Deaf, Language Dysfunction and Foreigners, Method to Inform Sensory Level of Ache and Pain, Measuring by MVA on Touch Panel Tablet,: N. HOSONO, H. INOUE, M. NAKANISHI, Y. TOMITA, Proceedings of the Advanced Assistive Technology and eAccesibility for People with Disabilities (AAATE 2013) in Faro, Portugal, on CD-ROM, (2013)
- Tactile vibration of personal digital assistants for conveying feelings,: A. NAKAMURA, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on HCI (Human Computer Interaction) in Las Vegas, USA, on CD-ROM, (2013)
- Modeling of music recommendation methods to promote the user's singing motivation: For next-generation Japanese karaoke system,: S. ISOGAI, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on HCI (Human Computer Interaction) in Las Vegas, USA, on CD-ROM, (2013)
- Evaluation of system engineers' intellectual productivity: Focusing on coding procedures in application development environment tools,: R. HIRANO, Y. NAKAMURA, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on HCI (Human Computer Interaction) in Las Vegas, USA, on CD-ROM, (2013)
- Novel method of evaluating GUI design from the viewpoint of worker Experience: Central control systems for social infrastructure,: D. HAMA, M. KURIOKA, M. KATO, K. IMAMURA, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on HCI (Human Computer Interaction) in Las Vegas, USA, on CD-ROM, (2013)
- GUI design solution for a monocular, see-through head-mounted display based on users’ eye movement characteristics,: T. UCHIYAMA, K. TANUMA, Y. FUKUDA, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on HCI (Human Computer Interaction) in Las Vegas, USA, on CD-ROM, (2013)
- Optimization of GUI on touchscreen smartphones based on physiological evaluation: Feasibility of small button size and spacing for graphical objects,: S. KOMINE, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on HCI (Human Computer Interaction) in Las Vegas, USA, on CD-ROM, (2013)
- Comparing muscle activity and the differences between younger and older users' perceptions of comfort when using sheet switches for electrical appliances.: T. TANAKA, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 4TH International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in San Francisco, USA, on CD-ROM, (2012).
- Use of a monocular see-through head-mounted display while walking -Comparison of different user interfaces.: K. TANUMA, K. KURIMOTO, M. NOMURA, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 4TH International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in San Francisco, USA, on CD-ROM, (2012).
- Service design to evoke users’ enthusiasm - Proposal and evaluation for a museum information providing service.: M. TAKAHASHI, Y. YASUMA, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 4TH International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in San Francisco, USA, on CD-ROM, (2012).
- Applicability of touch sense controllers using warm and cold sensations. : M. NAKANISHI, S. YAMAMOTO, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on HCI (Human Computer Interaction) in Orland, USA, on CD-ROM, (2011).
- Characteristics of comfortable sheet switches on control panels of electrical appliances: Comparison using older and younger users. : Y. TANAKA, Y. YAMAZAKI, M. SAKATA, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on HCI (Human Computer Interaction) in Orland, USA, on CD-ROM, (2011).
- Comfortable design of task-related information displayed using optical see-through head-mounted display. : K. TANUMA, T. SATO, M. NOMURA, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on HCI (Human Computer Interaction) in Orland, USA, on CD-ROM, (2011).
- User characteristic-based information-providing service for museum with optical see-through head-mounted display: Does it evoke enthusiasm? : Y. YASUMA, M. NAKANISHI, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on HCI (Human Computer Interaction) in Orland, USA, on CD-ROM, (2011).
- Using a muscle suit in nursing care to prevent caregivers’ backache.: M. NAKANISHI, M. SAKURAI, S. YAMAMOTO, Proceedings of the 9th PPCOE (Pan-Pacific Conference on Ergonomics), in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, on CD-ROM, (2010).
- Evaluation of motor preparatory activity in manual control using the measurement of ERP.: M SAKURAI, T. ICHIKAWA, M. NAKANISHI, S. YAMAMOTO, Proceedings of the 9th PPCOE (Pan-Pacific Conference on Ergonomics), in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, on CD-ROM, (2010).
- Physical load reduction at the waist of a care worker with wearable robot.: T. INOUE, M. SAKURAI, M. NAKANISHI, S. YAMAMOTO, Proceedings of the 9th PPCOE (Pan-Pacific Conference on Ergonomics), in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, on CD-ROM, (2010).
- Changes and whole-body coordination in circulatory system during mental work.: H. LEE, A. SENDA, X. LIU, Y. TSUNETSUGU, M. NAKANISHI, K. IWANAGA, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology, in Fremantle, Australia, on CD-ROM, (2010)
- Digital manual with wearable retinal imaging display for the next innovation in manufacturing.: M. NAKANISHI, T. SATO, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in Miami, USA, on CD-ROM, (2010)
- Reduction of physical load at the waist of a care worker using muscle suit.: M. SAKURAI, T. INOUE, M. NAKANISHI, S. YAMAMOTO, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in Miami, USA, on CD-ROM, (2010)
- Can "tactile kiosk" attract potential users in public?.: Y. YASUMA, M. NAKANISHI, Y. OKADA, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in Miami, USA, on CD-ROM, (2010)
- Improvement in touch operations by tactile feedback.: T. FUKUI, M. NAKANISHI, Y. OKADA, S. YAMAMOTO, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in Miami, USA, on CD-ROM, (2010)
- How can Visual Instruction with See-Through HMD be Effectively Used in Safety-Critical Fields?.: M.NAKANISHI, K.TAGUCHI, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of APSS (Asia Pacific Symposium on Safety) 2009 in Osaka, Japan, on CD-ROM, (2009)
- Mathematical modeling for determining effective information quantity given by augmented reality manual -overlay on dynamic background-.: S.TAMAMUSHI, M.NAKANISHI, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of APSS (Asia Pacific Symposium on Safety) 2009 in Osaka, Japan, on CD-ROM, (2009)
- Mathematical modeling for determining effective information quantity given by augmented reality manual -overlay on dynamic background-, S.TAMAMUSHI,.M.NAKANISHI, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of APSS (Asia Pacific Symposium on Safety) 2009 in Osaka, Japan, on CD-ROM, (2009)
- Comparison of Physiological Responses to Different Types of Mental Stress.: X.LIU, M.NAKANISHI, K.IWANAGA, Proceedings of IEA (International Ergonomics Association) 2009 Triennial Congress in Beijing, China, on CD-ROM, (2009)
- A Study on Effective Tactile Feeling of Control Panels for Electrical Appliances.: M.NAKANISHI, Y. OKADA, S.YAMAMOTO, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on HCI (Human Computer Interaction) in San Diego, USA, on CD-ROM, (2009)
- Suitable Amount of Information for an Augmented Reality Manual -Superimposing on Dynamic Actual Field of Vision-.: S.TAMAMUSHI, M.NAKANISHI, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on HCI (Human Computer Interaction) in San Diego, USA, on-CD-ROM, (2009)
- Study for Establishing Design Guidelines for Manuals Using Augmented Reality Technology -Verification and Expansion of the Basic Model Describing “Effective Complexity”-.: M.NAKANISHI, S.TAMAMUSHI, Y.OKADA, Enterprise Information Systems, 21-26, (2009)
- Modeling Approach to "Effective Augmentation" for Designing Manuals with Augmented Reality.: M.NAKANISHI, T.AKASAKA, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in Las Vegas, USA, on CD-ROM, (2008)
- How to Design of Task-related Information Overlaid by AR Technology -Focusing on Task Characteristics-.: S.TAMAMUSHI, M.NAKANISHI, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in Las Vegas, USA, on CD-ROM, (2008)
- Enhancement of Cooperation between Workers by Using Scanning Displays.: Y.AKIYOSHI, M.NAKANISHI, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on AHFE(Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) in Las Vegas, USA, on CD-ROM, (2008)
- A Study on Human Interface for Control in Using AR Manual.: T.MIURA, M.NAKANISHI, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on HCI (Human Computer Interaction) in Beijing, China, on-CD-ROM, (2007)
- Appropriate Complexity of Image Displayed on Head-Mounted Displays in Augmented Reality.: T.AKASAKA, M.NAKANISHI, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on HCI (Human Computer Interaction) in Beijing, China, on CD-ROM, (2007)
- How does the Digital Manual with Controllability and Perfect-Transparency Effect on Workers' Cognitive Processes? -Application of Augmented Reality Technology to Manufacturing Work-.: M.NAKANISHI, T.MIURA, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on CITSA(Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications) in Orlando, Florida, USA, on CD-ROM, (2007)
- What Images Are Evoked by Tactile Feeling? -For Designing Control Interfaces Taking Tactile Feeling into Consideration-.: M.NAKANISHI, S.YAMAMOTO, Proceedings of the Workshop on Tactile and Haptic Interaction in Tokyo, Japan, 22-29, (2007)
- Development of an Instruction System with Augmented Reality Technology -for supporting both skilled and unskilled workers-.: M.NAKANISHI, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of INSCIT(International Conference on Multidisciplinary Information Sciences and Technologies) in Merida, Spain, 112-116, (2006)
- Practicability of using active guidance with retinal scanning display in sequential operations.: M.NAKANISHI, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of IEA (International Ergonomics Association) 2006 Triennial Congress in Maastricht, Netherlands, on CD-ROM, (2006)
- Information Sharing by Using Monocular See-Through Head-Mounted Displays for Cooperative Work in Air Traffic Control Systems.: M.NAKANISHI, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on HCI (Human Computer Interaction) in Las Vegas, USA, on CD-ROM, (2005)
- Development of a network-based incident report system for open facilities.: M.NAKANISHI, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of the International Conference on CAES (Computer-Aided Ergonomics, Human Factors and Safety) in Koナ。ice, Slovak Republic, on CD-ROM, (2005)
- The PSF-based evaluation method for Human- Machine Interface of VDT work - A practical evaluation of speech control -.: M.NAKANISHI, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on HAAMAHA (Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing Agility and Hybrid Automation) in Galway, Ireland, 557-566, (2004)
- A Study on Application of a Monocular See-Through Head Mounted Display for Air Traffic Control System.: M.NAKANISHI, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on WWCS (Work with Computing Systems) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on CD-ROM, (2004)
- A Study on Application of a Monocular See-Through Head-Mounted Display for Visual Tracking.: M.NAKANISHI, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of IEA (International Ergonomics Association) XVth Triennial Congress in Seoul, Korea, on CD-ROM, (2003)
- Human Cognitive Characteristics in Speech Control for Virtual 3D Simulation on 2D Screen.: M.NAKANISHI, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on HCI (Human Computer Interaction) in Crete, Greece, 756-760, (2003)
- A Study on Effects of a Large-Sized Display on Human Emotion in VDT Works.: M.NAKANISHI, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics in Erfurt, Germany, L7-L11, (2002)
- VDT Works with Voice Input Devices in Industrial Plants -The Characteristics of the Control of Dynamical System-.: M.NAKANISHI, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Conference on WWDU (Work with Display Units) in Berchtesgaden, Germany, 560-562, (2002)
- A Study on Analysis Method of Performance Shaping Factors on Human Error.: M.NAKANISHI, T.KONISHI, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of IFSES (International Forum for Safety Engineering and Science) in Saitama, JAPAN, on CD-ROM, (2002)
- An Experimental Study on Potentiality of Voice Input Device for Human-Machine Interface in Industrial Plants.: M.NAKANISHI, Y.OKADA, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on HCI (Human Computer Interaction) in New Orleans, USA, 213-217, (2001)